Janet Reid
Barry Eisler gives great readings. I went to hear him last year at Partners & Crime in the Village. It was not only fun to see him and hear him read, it led to a new client and a huge kick-ass deal.
Here’s the scoop:
I went to the reading with the notoriously hilarious Mindy Tarquini. During the Q&A, Barry gave a shout out to some authors in the audience. Lee Child was one. Mindy and I both turned to ogle the writer of the Jack Reacher novels, devoted fans that we are.
After the Q&A I found myself standing next to Lee Child (bet you’re surprised to hear that!) and introduced myself as a Reacher fan. Niceties all around. Then, the world shifted ever so slightly- Lee Child asked if I had a card.
I didn’t, but being a true New Yorker I just hauled him down to the nearest tattoo parlor (this being the Village, it wasn’t far) and tattooed my email and phone number on his forearm.
Ok, no, I didn’t but I would have if Mindy hadn’t given me a pen and note card to write down “my details” as they say across the pond.
Some weeks later an email arrives from Lee. His brother has a novel. They have decided not to send it to Lee’s current agent thinking it might get a touch incestuous. Would I like to read it?
Would I like to read it?
Is Jack Reacher cool?
Does Barry Eisler write great novels?
Is Mindy Tarquini funny?
Oh wait, what the heck am I going to do if I don’t like it? I bravely say yes.
Time marches on. I kind of forget about it. Then one day a really good novel arrives. Not much of a query letter. No bio. Just amazing taut thrilling writing. I read. I keep reading.
I email the guy. Hey, who are you, how did you get my name, what’s the 411 here?
He emails back “my brother said you’d be interested in reading my book.”
Dear Reader, the penny drops. This is Lee Child’s brother.
My fear of “what am I going to say to Lee Child if I don’t like his brother’s book” is laid to rest before I ever have to say it. This guy is good. Really really good.
His protagonist, David Trevellyan could be Jack Reacher's younger brother if Reacher had joined the British Navy and taken James Bond’s career path.
I am ALL over this book.
I send twelve thousand editorial notes, and bless his heart, he makes most of the revisions, and tells me why he thinks some of the others don’t work. We had some interesting conversations about which pieces of Brit-speak would work for a US audience and why “chuffed” and “lie-in” aren’t on the list.
He comes to the US to meet me, and my colleagues.
He signs with us.
I am over the moon. I can’t stop talking about how excited I am about the project. People are getting sick of listening to me.
Well, cut to the chase.
Last week, I sold EVEN by Andrew Grant for a muscular six figure preempt to Pete Wolverton at Thomas Dunne Books who loves the book almost as much as I do.
The only downside to the whole thing was I couldn’t sell it to all the editors who wanted it. That’s exactly my favorite downside in the entire world.
My name is listed as the agent, but I’m here right now to tell you that I didn’t do this by myself.
First there was Barry Eisler, Mindy Tarquini and Lee Child. Then there is my favorite slithery competitor Sorche Fairbank who is an extraordinary agent, and has incredible taste. She introduced me to Pete Wolverton with “tell him about that book you’ve been yapping about.”
The head honchos at FinePrint, Stephany Evans and Peter Rubie, were instrumental in helping me make it all happen.
(I know, I know, the orchestra is playing, time to quit thanking people).
Let me just say this. This wonderful deal started when I went to a reading. You never know where the best deals of your life are going to start, but mine always seem to be associated with great bookstores and talented writers.
Go to a reading!
(If you need help on figuring out who is coming to your area, you need to check out booktour.com)
Meanwhile, mark your calendar for June 2009. It's gonna be an auspiciously EVEN year!
Great story.
Posted by: Jersey Jack | March 04, 2008 at 12:56 AM
Ooh, this one sounds a good 'un! And it is a great story, Janet . . .!
Posted by: Sharon Wheeler | March 04, 2008 at 03:43 AM
re 'chuffed' and 'lie in'...
Why not?
Posted by: Rachel Green | March 04, 2008 at 05:24 AM
Nice job! The project just might entail some photo ops in 2009. (laughing)
Congratulations on the deal.
Posted by: Robin Mizell | March 04, 2008 at 10:45 AM
You're so cool.
Posted by: M.G. Tarquini | March 04, 2008 at 10:58 AM
I can vouch for both the awesomeness of the novel and the coolness of the agent :).
Posted by: Abby Zidle | March 04, 2008 at 11:09 AM
I'm now wondering what connotations "chuffed" and "lie-in" have in US English :o)
Posted by: Sharon Wheeler | March 04, 2008 at 03:17 PM
Sounds like happy people all the way around. Congratulations to everyone. It's a wonderful thing when a deal comes together!
And I have something else to add to my TBR pile.
Posted by: Jean | March 04, 2008 at 07:33 PM
"chuffed" in the UK means to be proud of something - not exactly slang.
"lie-in" is to stay in bed (both in US and UK English.
Looking forward to reading EVEN when it comes out. And that's great news for everyone all round.
Posted by: Mike Stotter | March 05, 2008 at 09:08 AM
Lee mentioned his brother's upcoming book in a chat at Charm City Bouchercon. I asked what name it would appear under, and promised not to make literary comparisons, being a great believer in genetic diversity. Can't EVEN wait to read this title! Thanks for the story....
Posted by: Liz Lytle | October 19, 2008 at 09:19 PM