I will be out of work for a couple weeks, a minor surgery, no worries. But it means that I have so much to do over the next ten days before the surgery. Crazy busy.
So I came to a blank when it came to the blog. What to talk about? About all the books I am so excited to work on? All the meetings I am trying to cram into ten days? I got nothing on Father's Day since my dad was pretty absent for most of my life. The shooting in Charleston and the confederate flag discussions/arguments/mud slinging? So much hatred and vile and misinformation floating around the interwebs. Which brings me to this:
Listen to your heart. Make decisions that kind. Comfort and compassion goes a lot further than hatred and repression. As a country we need to start treating each other with respect and love. If it feels wrong, don't do it or don't say it.
Peace out brothers and sisters.
(Also, it feels like I am channeling Ben LeRoy here. Love that guy.)
Beautiful post and I completely agree -- Comfort and compassion goes a lot further. Also, I love Shel Silverstein :)
Posted by: Nadine | June 25, 2015 at 11:59 PM