Terri Bischoff
I think I work best under pressure which is why I find myself doing a lot of things at the last moment. Like typing up this post at 11:48 pm, lol. I'm also working on a laptop that is driving me bananas. Suddenly several keys don't work unless I use the function key. The space bar doesn't work. Tab doesn't work. The shift keys were not working but today it is. Weird! But it's a problem for another day.
At work I am in acquisition phase and I am trying to make a dent in my submissions. It's slow work, but it is fun work. The best part of it is that ultimately I will be able make offers to a bunch of new people. I love that! It is the coolest part of my job.
Personally, I will be out of the office for a few days. (That won't stop me from reading submissions, lol. I can do that anywhere!) I will be watching my phone to see how my oldest does at the state archery tournament. It's his first year shooting and it's great. I love it. And while the weather here in Minnesota is nice, it's going to be in the 70's in North Carolina. Yay!! But I need to get packed. Later 'gaters!
Acquisitions, yay!
More fabulous books to read. I can't wait to see all the coming lineups.
Posted by: Aimee Hix | April 03, 2017 at 11:52 AM